The Penn Database Group meets weekly, on Fridays in the DSL Conference Room (in Moore 100). We also generally support remote participation via Zoom. We welcome visitors, and our meeting is joint between the database groups at Temple and Penn.

Please subscribe to the Database Group Mailing List (db-group@seas) to get notifications. You may contact Soonbo Han,, for more details and to be added to the list.

DateTopic / PaperPresenter
9/6Welcome back / Planning
9/13VLDB Fun PapersRyan Marcus
9/20Queryable Graph Views over Semi-Structured DataSahil Makhijani
9/27Bayes Opt for Query PlanningJeff Tao
10/4(Fall Term Break)
10/11Next-generation Intelligent Assistants for Wearable DevicesLuna Dong (Meta)
10/18The Overlooked Repetitive Lengthening Form in Sentiment AnalysisLei (Tom) Wang (Temple)
10/25Beyond Training: Harnessing Multi-Vector Search in Vector DatabasesAustin Wang
11/1Benchmarking and Evaluating Entity and Relation Extraction in Scientific DocumentsQi Zhang (Temple)
11/8Low Rank Learning for Offline Query OptimizationZixuan Yi
11/15LLMs for Query SteeringPeter Akioyamen 
11/29(Thanksgiving Break)
12/13TBDVarun Jana