The Penn Database Group meets weekly, on Fridays in Amy Gutmann Hall, Room 315. We also generally support remote participation via Zoom. We welcome visitors, and our meeting is joint between the database groups at Temple and Penn.

Please subscribe to the Database Group Mailing List (db-group@seas) to get notifications. You may contact Soonbo Han,, for more details and to be added to the list.

DateTopic / PaperPresenter
1/24Welcome back / Planning
2/7LLMs for AI native data systemsZixuan, Varun
2/21Faster row-level LLM completions Paul, Ashwin
2/28Intelligence Augmentation for Scientific Researchers
(CIS Distinguished Lecture Talk @ AGH 105)
Dr. Dan Weld (AI2 & UW)
3/14(Spring Term Break)
3/21A Theory of Generalization in Selectivity LearningPeizhi Wu
3/28Efficient, Vectorized, and Concurrent Hash AggregationsDaniel Xue
4/4TBDSoonbo Han
4/11Adaptive Scheduling for Streaming ML Processing Phillip Hilliard
4/18SIGMOD Practice TalkJeff/Zixuan
4/25DB TunningFangping Lan
5/2TBDVarun Jana/guest